Appending Rows to a Table: h5appendRowsΒΆ

h5appendRows appends rows to an existing HDF5 table.

Excel UDF Syntax

h5appendRows(filename, tablename, rows)

Mandatory Arguments

Argument Description
filename A text string specifying the name of an HDF5 file
tablename A text string (path) specifying the location of an HDF5 table
rows An Excel range of rows to be appended to the HDF5 table


The order of the columns in the row range must match the order of columns in the HDF5 table in the file.

Return Value

On success, h5appendRows returns the number of rows appended.

On error, an error message (string) is returned.


Append the rows in range A1:C23581 on worksheet Sheet2 to the HDF5 table at /Ask & Bid/20140423 in the file tickdata.h5.

h5appendRows("tickdata.h5", "/Ask & Bid/20140423", Sheet2!$A1:C23581)

Error Conditions

The following conditions will create an error:

  1. An invalid file name
    • An empty string or a string that contains characters not supported by the operating system
    • It refers to a file system location for which the user has insufficient access privileges
  2. An invalid table name
    • An empty string
    • No HDF5 object exists at the specified location
    • The HDF5 object at the specified location is not an HDF5 table
  3. An invalid row set
    • The number or type of columns in the rows set does not match the number or type of columns in the file